Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What do you mean by fixed point representation and Floating point representation?

1. Fixed point representation:
The fixed-point method assumes that the binary point is always fixed in either one of the two positions i.e. the binary point is fixed in extreme left of the register to make the stored number a fraction or the binary point is fixed in extreme right of the register to make the stored number an integer. This method requires a second register that designates the position of the decimal point in the first register.
2.Floating point representation:
In this method a number is represented in two distinct parts. The first part
represent a signed, fixed point number called mantissa and the second part
specifies the position of the decimal and it is called as exponent. It is denoted
by  where, m is the mantissa, r is the radix(base) and e is the exponent.

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