Thursday, June 27, 2013

Define list as an ADT.

Let L be a list of type T where p indicates the position of the element then list can be defined as an ADT as follows:
·         create(L): Create an empty list L.
·         insert(L,x,p): Insert the element ‘x’ in the p position of the list L, if ‘p’ is valid.
·         find(x, L): search the element ‘x’ from the list L. Return ‘p’ if the element ‘x’ is found otherwise -1.
·         display(L, p): Display the element of list L in the position ‘p’, if ‘p’ is a valid position.
·         delete(L, p): delete the element of list L in the position ‘p’ if ‘p’ is valid position.
·         print(L): Display all the element of list L if it is not empty.
·         sort(L): Sort the elements of the list in some definite order.

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